31 March 2011

Eastern Kentucky Genealogical Society

compiled by Teresa Martin Klaiber
31 March 2011
Technology changes in the world of genealogy are increasing.  With new technology older local genealogy societies have had trouble keeping up. At their hay day these local groups were a golden link to people living outside an area to obtain information about their ancestors.

Personally, I could not wait until I received my copy of the Tree Shaker produced by the Eastern Kentucky Genealogical Society and edited by beloved local historian Evelyn Jackson.  I read the newsletter from cover to cover and with a little luck found a notation or two about one of the families I was working with. 

Today I received my final notice that the Tree Shaker and the Eastern Kentucky Genealogical Society will not continue.   The notice stated that the editor has moved out of state.  Jimmy Eppling did a wonderful job with the newsletter. He had big shoes to fill when he replaced Evelyn Jackson.  But honestly, I don't believe that his moving is the reason for the collapse of the society.  It is the times.  On line subscriptions, ebooks and even genealogy blogs have moved into new territory while the local societies struggle to keep up.

The Tree Shaker will always be a valuable tool for me and others. Much of the submitted materials were scraped together by dedicated people.  The most cherished items, in my opinion, are the extractions of local bibles in the early editions.  Bible records that would not have been published or known by later researchers are now preserved in the archives of the newsletter.

Volume 1 #1 was printed in the Winter of 1977. Mrs. Allen Hopes was president of the society and Charles A. Barker, vice president. Volunteers from the society represented the various counties, of Elliott, Greenup, Carter, Pike and Lawrence through the years.  It was their job to supply records from each of those and other counties.

Mrs. Rufus Phillips wrote "The Eastern Kentucky Genealogical Society is well into its second year of existence and we are finally getting our publication started...Many records should be abstracted and published. Cemeteries should be located and recorded.  Copies of old letters and records help to fill in the history of the area.  Old bibles are particularly important..."

The society and the newsletter fulfilled the goals beyond imagination.  They went on to produce several publications that are now golden gems in Eastern Kentucky research.  That first newsletter was a simple surname index to the 1830 Lawrence County, Kentucky census records.  In 1977 that was such a wonderful tool for researchers who had to do a page by page search of microfilm IF a microfilm machine was available.  Today - well today the 1830 fully indexed is a click away on the internet.  Yes every new technology is based on foundation stones.  These societies were the foundation stones to the way we research today.

What many may not know is that the society was also the best supporter of Eastern Kentucky's largest genealogical library holdings.  Money from dues/subscriptions and sale of books was utilized to purchase items for the genealogy holdings at the Boyd County Public Library.  And even as the society is eulogized it continues to boost the library.  The funds from the society will be used to purchase even more books for the Winder Collection of the Boyd County Public Library so that researchers from across the country can continue to be benefactors of the society.

The Tree Shaker will continue to be remembered and utilized.  Indexed in PERSI and shelved in many libraries in our country - well worn and loved in personal libraries such as my own.  

One final thought and thank you to a most beloved man, James Powers, who over the years has been dedicated to the society and newsletter.  He has mentored me, protected and loved the holdings of our library and made Eastern Kentucky Genealogy a wonderful research area.  Hats off! 

29 March 2011

Mutual Aide & Regulators Part #3

compiled by Teresa Martin Klaiber
March 2011

This is the final installment of the Mutual Protection Society of Boyd County, Kentucky ledger housed at the Boyd County Public Library, Central Avenue, Ashland, Kentucky.  These are extractions of entries.  My comments in brackets.  Spelling is as written in ledger. Once again thank you to Charlotte Lambert Mosley who donated the original ledger, discovered in an old desk in her possession.  Through her generosity this valuable history is now available to all researchers.

Page #57...Mutual Protection Society of Boyd Co., KY held at Davis School House. February 9th, 1889...N. A. Klaiber was appointed to notify S. D. Finley to pay ...fee on his store and to notify John Hazlett to pay into fee on add horses.  The comite on John W. West reported unfavorable and the comite discharged...
The following were elected: Grant Griffit, W. T. Clay, C. G. Tanner, C.C. Fields, Liss Chafins.  By vote of lodge business was suspended to receive the pet. of John E. Lambert.

...Resolution presented to this order by J. S. Carlyon reads as follows: In order to avoid litigation and unnecessary expenses between members of this order and amicable settle all differences or disputes that may in the future arise between them it is resolved that all differences and disputes shall here after be settled by arbitration instead of resorting 

Page #58 continued.  to litigation and we pray that a section sustaining the same be inserted in our bylaws.  It is resolved that all differences and disputes between members of the order shall be settled or a dispute be arbitration the disputants shall have the power to choose tow disinterested members who shall in their turn select a third person whose duty it shall be to hear the complaints of the disputants and after hearing the same settle the difficulty if possible in accordance with the laws of justice, reason and right...

J. C. Lambert paid .25 adt horse. Anson Pope refused to pay on adt horse.

N. A. Klaiber resolved that Section 4 of our constitution and Sec. 12 of bylaws so amended to read...initiation fee...two dollars for each member.  Fifty cents for each horse or mule owned by said members.  Five dollars for each store that has a capital of ore exceeding $3,000 or share owned in the same.  Five dollars for each private, state or national bank or share owned in the same.  Two dollars for each store that has a capital not exceeding $3,000 or share owned in the same.  One dollar of said fee to accompany the petition for membership.  The remainder to be paid at the time of initiation of the candidate who shall be given six months from the time of his election in which to present himself for initiation...

Page #59.  ...Davis School House.  March 16, 1889...Initiated: John Smallridge, Lon Ross, C. C. Fields, Liss Chafins, C. G. Tanner.

J. S. Carlyon's resolution was ballot and rejected.  Petitions received for: John L. Chadwick, Geo. J. Justice, John Stanley, J. L. Rucker [James Leander Rucker], Alley Kimbird [Kimbird Alley].

Page #60 continued.  Petitions received for Charles Brown, A. F. Qullen, Cal Johnson.

N. A. Klaiber reported that S. D. Finley had paid fee on his store.

John E. Lambert ...elected....

Page #61.  ...Davis School House, April 13, 1889.  ...Pass Sexton paid one dollar on leavey on Oct 4, 1888.  Leander White was initiated...following elected: John L. Chadwick, George Justice, John Stanley, J. L. Rucker, Charley Brown, Calvin Johnson.  The following were rejected:  Kimbird Alley, A F. Quillen.

Pet. of Henry Mowery, V. G. Kimbler was received.

Henry White Jr. and Wm C. Fields paid on leavey of Oct. 4, 1888....

Page #63.  Davis School House, May 11, 1889.  Henry Mowery and N. G. Kimbler elected.

Page #64. Davis School House, June 8, 1889.  J. L. Chadwick and Henry Mowery initiated.

Resolution...no less than five names shall be received or considered in the establishment of a new lodge... 

Page #66.  August 5th, 1889.  The Mutual Protection Society met at Harvey Kinner's...object of the meeting was to bring James Lane to justice for trying to sell out and get away and leaving Mr. Kinner to pay a security debt for him. 

The society held a consultation and agreed to go to Mr. Lane's house to get Mrs. Lane to sign a bill of sale for Mr. Kinner. We went and Mrs. Lane was gone.  Mr. Kinner left a written notice at the house for Mr. Lane to not dispose of any of the crop, cows or horse until said debt was settled.

August 5.89. We the undersigned deem it necesary to call a special meeting of the Mutual Protection society at H. H. Kinner's at the hour of 4 o'clock P.M. for the purpus of assisting Brother Kinner in rendering justice from Jas. Lane in a bill of sale.  Signed L. J. Stewart, Wm. Hogan, M.S. Hazlett, C. H. Banfiled, Thomas Brown, W. L. Aloy.

Page #69.  Regular Meeting...Davis School House August 10, 1889.  Comit repoorted favorable on the pet. of ? Burton and the ballot was laid and when call Mr. Burton was duly elected.

Page #70. ...Davis School House. Sept. 7, 1889....Ben Lewis petition was received ...Resolution presented by N. A. Klaiber. Resolved that our constitution and by laws be so amended to read as follows: A Members widdow shall be intitled to all of the benefits of this order except attending lodge as long as she rimans his widdow and only as long as she reamans his widdow.

Page #71. ...Held at Davis School House.  Oct. 5, 1889...The comitte on Ben Lewis pet. ask for longer time to make a report. C. L. Davis was appointed to get oil and lamp wicks for the lodge.  ...

Page #72.  Regular Meeting of the Mutual Protection Society Lodge No. 1 at Davis School House. [This is the first entry citing the Lodge as No. 1.]   ...W. L. Clay, Pres; J. D. Higgins, Sect.; John Lambert Treas. Pro.; C. C. Fields outside sent; George Fields inside sent.

Linsy Fannin's pet [pet = petition] received... The comitte reported unfavorable on Ben Lewis' petition and the count discharged.

The Mutual Protection society of Boyd Co. Ky. held at Davis School House to District No 19 Davis School to coal $2.00 assessed by the citizens of said district Dec 7, 1889...

Page #73. Continued.  In obedience to our request the different lodges sent deligates as follows: Falls of Blaine Lodge, Jasper Casey and C. C. Crank.  Rockville Lodge Theodore Kinner and James H. Kinner.  Grayson Lodge J. A. Blankenship and George Gee.  Bolts Fork Lodge C. H. Higgins. 

Lewis Berry and Harvey Kinner retired with the other deligates for a while and returned and reported that they had agreed on an ?? sign and a pass word for the insuing year...

Page #74. ...Davis School House. Jan. 4, 1890...Life Fugutt's pet. recd.  Dow Sexton's pet. recd...[Lorenzo Dow Sexton.]  The comitte on Linsey Fannin's petition wasent not present.

N. A. Klaiber reported that he and W. H. Banfield ...went to Louisa to the convention and that he spent one dollar of the lodges money and one dollar of his own money....

Page #75.  The lodge received the new constitution and by laws.  W. H. Banfield would not receive any money from the lodge to pay his expense to the convention at Louisa.  The lodge extended many thanks to Mr. Banfield for his kindness...

The following names paid twenty cents each for their dues last years: Jos. Kirk, W. Brooks, J. W. French, William Hogan, M. S. Hazlett, David Davis, George Fields, W. H. Banfield.  

This lodge sold 25 coppies of the new constitutions and by laws to the Bolts Fork Lodge for 65 cents.  

W. H. Banfield was elected president.  William Hogan was elected for vice president, C. T. Davis elected for Treas., N. A. Klaiber was elected for secy,  W. A. Lambert was elected for inside sentinel, M. S. Hazlett was elected for outside sentinel.

Page #76.  The Mutual Protection Society. Davis Lodge No. 1 held at Davis School House, Boyd Co., Ky. April 5th, 1890.

James Twinam took the obligation and duly initiated into this order... my motion V. O. Davis and Wm. L. Clay, was appointed as additional commiti to act with N. A. Klaiber on the petition of L. D. Sexton, the regularly appointed commiti being absent.

The commiti of Life Fugutt's petition asked for and was granted more time before reporting.

The comiti reported favorable on the petition of L. D. Sexton.  The ballot was spread and when collected he was declared duly elected.

On motion a new comiti was appointed on the petition of Lindsey Fannin and allowed to report at once...reported favorable.

Page #77.  Mr. Fannin was declared elected.

On motion a comiti of three was appointed to take testimoney and investigate the charge brought against Bro. Harvey Kinner by the Bolts Fork Lodge. The said Kinner is charged of using slanderous talk about Geo. Powers a member of the Bolts Fork Lodge.  Comiti W. L. Clay, J. D. Higgins, and C. C. Fields.  Said comiti to report at our next regular meeting...

The following paid last years dues: W. A. Lambert, V. O. Davis, W. T. Hood, L. T. Hood, L. J. Stewart, Jno. M. Clay, R. A. Prichard, J. P. Castner, Cris Smith, W. L. Geiger, J. D. Mayhew, Joseph Barrett, H. P. Sexton.

By request of W. T. Hood a permit was granted the members who resides nearer to Princess than to this place to organize a lodge to be known as Princess Lodge No. 11...

Page #78. January 24, 1891.  ...Bro. Banfield was duley elected president.  bro E. D.  Davis duley elected vice president. W. L. Clay elected sec, John Clay treasure, James French inside sentinel, C. C. Fields outside sentinel. ...

[Same page] Oct 17, 1891 Regular meeting of the the Mutual Protection Society...Bro W. H. Banfield was elected a delegate to the ? Log [lodge] and N. A. Klibar [Klaiber] was elected an alternate for the same...

Page #79.  ...Davis School House. Nov. 14, 1891...Petition of Geo. Kirk Jr was recommended by L. C. Hazlett, E. White and Henry Mowery.

On motion the permit of John Brown was received from Whites Creek Lodge and Br. Brown was accepted as a member of this lodge.

Petition of John M. Ross was recommended...was initiated....

Page #80.  Oct 21st, 1893....Electing the following officers Edward Davis president, R. Davis vice, W. L. Caly sect., John M. Clay treasurer, Fillmore P. Holly outside sentinel. H. Kinner inside...allso a new pass word was adopted for the year...An order was past to have a call meating at Hazlett School house on the night of Oct 28...

Page #83.  June 29, 1895. ...Davis School House in Boyd Co., Ky...Waite Worman was elected pres., J. P. McGlothlin was elected vice pres., Wm. A. Lambert was elected Secretary, John Kouns was elected tres.  These are to hold office till replaced by new officers in January 96...

Page #84.  July 6th, 1895...Davis School House ...Petition of Arch Morris received.  Petition of Jas. Herron received...

Page #87... Davis School House August 3. 95...favorable on the petition of Jas. Herron and the vote being put to the house Mr. Herron was declared elected...favorable on petition of Arch Morris and the vote being put to the house Mr. Morris was declared elected.   The petition of Theodore Kouns was received...Mr. Kouns was declared elected.  Petition of Wm Kirk was received...elected.

Page #88.  Petition of Geo. Wah received and elected...John Simpson Sr. ...elected.  Jes. Johnson ...elected.  Allen Lambert ... elected.  J. C. Lambert, J. J. Kouns and Harvey Kinner was appointed to make a new pass word and

Page #89. ...appointed to make some new signs and have them ready by the next regular meeting.

Page #90.  August 3, 1895....Davis School House ...petition of Henry Elenberger...  George Wah ...initiated and paid for self...

Page #91. Sept. 28, 1895.  Davis School House...Henry Elenburger...elected.  Petition of Henry Lucas, Wm. Locke and Wm. Gallion received.  David Murphy bought and delivered the lodge two lamps and oil ...

[The next few pages involve the estate of C. H. Kouns.  The Kouns family at Mavity is where the ledger was located in the old desk.]

Page #103 - 105 List of C. H. Kouns property sold Feb. 17, 1906.

[Pages missing] Page #125. Know all men by this presents that in consideration one ...cattle, one rid roan, ...Wm. Justice by this present and do bargain sell and convey to the said John Lambert... [no date and not completed].

Page #258.  [Top of page simply reads] Roll.  C. H. Koums, W. T. Worman, J. C. Lambert, Edward Eastham, J. Kouns, Frank Kir, Phil Holley, Jas. Leibee, John Rucker, David Murphy, Robert Davis, Chilton Davis, John Lambert, Harvey Kinner, David Rice, John Runyon, Harve Stewart,  James McGlothlin, Alex. Murphy, Chris Smith, Wm. Geiger, J. C. Hogan, Sophia Eastham, Pascal Sexton, Harvy McWharter, Allen Lambert, George Wah. [No dates on page.]

Page #280.  Mutual Protection Society. Whereas V. O. Davis has been elected Treas. of this society for the year of 1889 now we...as principle and C. L. Williams, J. P. McGlothlin and W. L. Clay his sureties are held and firmly bound to this society ...sum of $2000.00 for his official act as such officer given...

Page #284.  Whereas Chilton Davis has been duly elected tax assessor fo the Mutual Protection society of Geigerville, Boyd County, Kentucky.  Now we C. H. Kouns and C. L. Williams and Anson Pope...two hudnred dollars...condition of said bond ...discharge all duties ...as treasurer...21 day April 1888.

Page #285.  Treasurer Bond Mutual Protection Society Davis Lodge No. 1. Wheas Chilton Davis has been duley elected treasurer for Davis Lodge No. 1...two hundred dollars...[sureties not cited].

Page #286. Treasurers bond Mutual Protection Society Boyd County...Whereas J. R. Davis has been duly elected treasurer...7 May 1887.  Sighed J. R. Davis, C. H. Kouns, Anson Pope, J. L. Kirk and J. P. McGlothlin.


This compiler would be extremely interested in information on the Bolts Fork, Princess, Whites Creek and any other group that operated within Boyd County. 

Mutual Aide & Regulators Part #2

compiled by Teresa Martin Klaiber
March 2011

Once again I wish to thank Charlotte Lambert  Mosley for sharing and donating a Boyd County ledger book of the Mutual Protection Society.  I posted Part #1 in the Eastern Kentucky Genealogy Blog March 28th, 2011.   My comments are in brackets.  All spelling as been left as utilized from the ledger. I encourage everyone to review the original housed at the Boyd County Library.  This is not a complete transcription but an extraction of materials.

Page 26.  Mutual Protection Society...held at Davis School House Jan. 28, 1888...Dr. Davis, President; J. S. Carlyon, Secretary; William Lambert outside sentinel; Chilton Davis inside sentinel; John J. Kouns, Treasury...petition of Jas. R. Williams...received...resulted in his election.W. A. Brooks...received...resulted in his election. C. L. Williams nomination for President...resulted in his being elected.  V. O. Davis ...nomination for vice president...resulted in his being elected.  Nelson Kliber [Klaiber] nomination for secretary...resulted in his being elected.  Motion of Jas. McGlothlin and Chilton Davis was placed in nomination ...Chilton Davis is Treasurer.

Page #27.  William Lambert placed in nomination for Financial secretary...resulted in his election.  Motion of John Rucker ...nomination for inside sentinel...elected.  Motion Wyatt Clay and James McGlothlin ...nomination...outside sentinel...resulted in the election of James McGlothlin.  J.S. Carlyon ...reported Constitution and by-laws...completed...called to convene at Grassland Meeting House on Saturday Feb 4, 1888.

Page #28. Grassland Church...Feb. 4, 1888...On motion the new constitution and by-laws was by a majority vote rejected and filed...

Page #29.  Davis School House. April 21, 1888...Mr. Gum Byington was duly installed ...payed for self and two horses.  Mr. Edward White...payed for self and one horse.  Mr. Chilton Davis gave bond as treasure of this order in sum of two hundred dollars and gave the following as bondsman: C. H. Kouns, C. L. Williams and A. Pope.

By vote of Lodge it was decided to pay C. H. Kouns five dollars defraying expenses to Frankfort to fight the Carter taxes....

Page #30.  The petition of Wm. Hogan was received...Petition of Press Byington was received...

Page #31.  Davis School House May 19, 1888.  ...W. V. Sexton was appointed outside and inside sentinel.  Petition of H. P. Sexton was received...[Henry Powell Sexton].  Wm. Hogan...duly elected. ...Press Byington...duly elected.  Jas. M. Klaiber...duly elected. [James Matthew Klaiber son of John Andrew Klaiber.]  ...

Page #33...Davis School House...June 23, 1888.  ... George Powers received...Robt. Lowe received...John Runyon received.

H. P. Sexton ...duly elected.  [Henry Powell Sexton was the only son of Marcus Sexton and grandson of Elisha and Tabitha Sexton.]

C. P. Smallridge Jr. was initiated in this order and paid for self 50 cents.  Lon F. White was initiated and paid for self 50 cents and horse 25 cents...Wm. Hogan was initiated and paid for self 50 cents and 4 horses 1.00.  Wm. H. Banfield was initiated and paid for self and 2 horses...

Page #34. By vote of Lodge N. A. Klaiber was authorized to finish collecting the levey of 1886.  ...For refusing to pay the levey of 1886 the following members were expelled...R. C. Davidson, Sam Herron, John Rucker.

To recover a fox steel-trap belonging to John M. Clay know to be in the possession of Green Sexton the following committee was apointed to investigate and report...V. O. Davis, J. R. Lark, Jno. Hazlett, L. J. Stewart, R. A. Pricahrd, J. C. Graham, Thos. Brown, J. D. Higgins, C. H. Higgins, W. J. Ross and J. C. Lambert.  [Greenberry Sexton was the son of Moses and Theny Sexton.]

Page #35.  Davis School House, July 21, 1888...petition of Lon Ross received...petition of Geo. Stewart was received...petition of Mortimer S. Hazlett was received...petition of Chas. Clay was received...petition of Louis Berry was received... petition of Duck Shockey was received...petition of Jno. Queen Sr. received. [The entry for Jno. Queen Sr. was struck over.]

Page #36.  ...Geo. Powers...duly elected.  Robert Lowe...duly elected.... H. P. Sexton was duly initiated and paid for self and three horses...

By vote of Lodge...notify members by mail who had not paid the assessment of 1886 to settle the same on or before the regular meeting...  On Motion of Wm. T. Hoard it was decided to have a "Mule" Barbecue in the Davis Grove the last Sat. in Sept. Sept. 29...[See Part #1 and Carter news article referencing the order referred to as Mules.]

Page #37.  Committee for Barbecue:  Wm. T Hoard, Joe Kirk, L. J. Stewart, C. H. Kouns, Wm. Ross, Jas. P. Caster, Wm D. Bolt, Geo M. Fuller, Wm. H. Banfield, Jno. Hazlett, Eli White, Edward White, Jno H. Eastham, G. B. Norton, P. S. Fannin, Jno. Powers, Jno. Higgins, Jno. M. Clay, Jno. Mock, D.r Wm. T. Hood, Jno. D. Fannin, Jno Matix...

Page #38.  Davis School House, Aug. 18, 1888...petition of Isom Hogan received...Wm. Twinam...received...Joseph Clark...received...Frank Friel ...received.  Geo. W. Stewart reported unfavorable and was discharged.  The ballot was not spread.

Page #39 continued.  The following were elected:  Lon Ross, Mortimer Hazlett, Chas. Clay, Louis Berry, Duck Shockey.

The Pres. announced that the thief who stole John Riffe's gray mare from John Hogan's stable on the night of the 17th inst. was caught at Ironton, Ohio.  The mare also was recovered and that several of the members of this lodge aided in the search.

N. A. Klaiber was apointed as a comit. of one to aske L. J. Stewart to prosecute Wm. Sexton for stealing Mrs. Stewart's bust pin or give good reasons for not doing the same. 

On motion it was agreed that the secy spread the minutes of the call meeting concerning McGlothlin and Large on his book.

Page #40.  Aug 11, 1888. Mavity, Ky....Mr. J. P. McGlothlin reports that he as sworn out a warrant and that Large is now under arrest and trial set for Monday at 8 o'clock Aug 13th at Mavity, KY before Esq. W. R. Musick.  Moved ...committee be appointed to notify the county atty. to appear to prosecute the accused... [James P. McGlothlin married 1. Elzema Elswick and after her death married 2.Mary Jane Ratliff Blevins. The 2nd marriage ended in divorce.]

Page #41. Davis School House, Sept. 15, 1888...M. S. Hazlett was duley initiated in the secrets of the  order...George Shockey was duley initiated in the secrets of the order...petition of Coon Waits ...received.  Chas. H. Banfield ...received...

Isom Hogan Elected.

Page #42 continued.  The following were elected:  Charles Mutters, Wm. Twinans, Joseph Clark, Frank Frield...

Page #43. Sept. 25, 1888...President stated that the object of the meeting was to arrange for a barbecue ...Robert Hazlett volunteered to go to Catlettsburg to bring two men to butcher and roast the beef and mutton.  Frank Chaffins and J. C. Lambert volunteered to go to Ashland with wagons for bread. R.E. White was apointed to get address of the baker in Ashland who furnishes the bread also price of same and to leave it at C. L. Williams Store for Chaffins and Lambert.

W. L. Clay volunteered to see that the wood was furnished the cooks also trench dug.  John A. Klaiber volunteered to go to Vint Calvins after two sheep donated to the barbecue by Mr. Calvin.  Isaac Fannin was pointed to get 1 sheep from L. C. Hazlett, 1 from Joe L. Fannin which was donated to barbeque by the ...gentlemen.

Page #44 continued.  The comite on beef was instructed by the vote of lodge to procure 2,000 lbs. of beef.  The bread commite was also instructed by vote of lodge to procure 1,000 lb. of bread.  Frank Chaffins volunteered to furnish lumber for tables.  W. L. Clay agreed to help build the same. J. C. Lambert was apointed ot procure rope to stretch around the tables as a guard.

Page #45.  Oct. 4, 1888...Pres. stated that the object of the meeting was to receive bills presented by the members that had arisen from cost of barbecue...by vote of lodge an assessment of one dollar per member was laid. Also that all duley elected members that are not initiated shall pay said levey....C. L. Williams paid secy $12,27 [as written] the returns from beef and mutton hides...

page #46. Davis School House Oct. 13, 1888...David Davis was initiated...W. A.Brooks was initiated...Jno. C. Griffit was initiated...petition of Milton Stewart received...petition of John Callihan was received...[The following was written and crossed out] Moved that the case against J. P. McGlothlin be laid over until next regular meeting and that he be notified by the pres. that action will be taken against him according to the constitution.

Page #47. Continued.  Coon Waits elected. C. H. Banfield elected...

Page #48. Davis School House. Nov. 17, 1888.  Chas H. Banfield initiated, Isom Hogan initiated, Chas. Clay initiated, Louis Berry initiated...Jno Callihan elected and Milton Stewart rejected...

page #49 continued.  Petitions received for Jas. Hensley, Calvin Holbrook, John O'Brien Jr., Jno. Riffe.  L. O. White declared duley elected.

Moved that at least two or more members from each lodge in the state be requested to meet us in lodge at our Dec. meeting to agree upon and receive an annual pass word, and other points in the secret work of the society...

Page #51.  Davis School House, Dec 15, 1888...John Callihan duley initiated...Wm Music Elected, Jas. Hensley rejected, Calvin Holbrook elected, John O'Bryan Jr. elected and John Riffe rejected.

Page #52. Continued.  Petition of Jno Smallridge,,,Mike Galiher, J. J. Hensley... In obedience to the request the different lodges sent deligates as follows: Falls of Blaine, John P. Riffe and Buttler Mowery; Stinson, J. W. Hord and R. Q. Keffer; Rock Hill J. F. Stewart and Jas. Kinner.  A comite retired with the deligates from the other lodges and came in and reported that they had agreed upon a sign and pass word to be used the insuing yeare in all lodges.

Page #53. Continued.  The pass word acompanied by the sign to be used to obtain admitance in all lodges.  The sign to be used in meeting a member anywhere...

Page #54.  Davis School House.  Jan. 12th, 1889...Geo. Powers and Robert Lowe were initiated.  C. L. Williams elected president. W. L. Clay elected vice president.  J. D. Higgins elected secretary. V. O. Davis elected treasurer.  

Page #55. W. J. Ross elected inside sentinel.  W. A. Lambert elected outside sentinel....Order to pay Lon Nunley for going for co. attorney...order to pay Jno. Irix for guarding and boarding Large.  Petitions for John W. West, Wm. T. Clay, Charles G. Tanner, Liss Chaffins, Lum Fields and Grant Griffit received.

Page #56.  John Smallridge elected, Mike Galiger elected, Jack J. Hensley elected.  J. D. Higgins was appointed to notify S. D. Finley to pay initiation fee on his store...

To be continued.


28 March 2011

Mutual Aide & Regulators Part #1

compiled by Teresa Martin Klaiber
March 2011
"The Kentucky Regulators.  Catlettsburg, Ky., May 28 - For some time there have been fears of a collision in Carter County between the Militia and the Regulators, and the Governor has, in consequence, ordered troops to be ready to march to assist the officers of the company in enforcing the laws.  To-day 200 Regulators gave themselves up and gave the names of 800 of their number and they will be presented to the Grand Jury for indictment.  The troops will not now be needed.  The Regulators have had an organization ostensibly for driving dangerous and worthless members of the community out of the country, and have used summary process in many cases." [NY Times 29 May 1880]
The Regulators and members of the Mutual Aide and Mutual Protection Society were farmers and neighbors known in church throughout our counties.  Most likely one or more were your ancestors.  They did not see themselves as vigilantes but felt they were protecting their family, homes, farms and community.

The Mutual Protection Society of the United States was a recognized organization.  They had ritual booklets similar to other secret organizations.    To become a member a person was recommended by two.    When installed they swore that they were joining on their "own free will and accord."  When a society member died in good standing and with advice of five members and the consent of the friends of the deceased they were buried with the honors of the society. The burial procession included an honorable member carrying the Holy Bible, suspended by a strip of red, white and blue.  

 Subordinate societies were encouraged.  The person who organized same was to be "...sober, intelligent, discreet man, a good reader and should write a legible hand.  He should have a thorough knowledge of the secret and ritual work..." [Mutual Protection Society of the United States of America, Cincinnati, University of Kentucky Archives]

The American Mutual Aide Society governed under the laws of Kentucky and in April 1886 was authorized to issue certificates to pay members sums of money after reaching certain agreed ages in the form of endowments. [Laws of KY Chapter 862, April 1886]  The society was doing well as late as 1899 in our area according to an article posted by Glen Haney.  The article calls the group "The Mules."  In 1899 eighty-three lodges met at Denton in Carter County.  Among those officers elected that day was N. A. Klaiber as Grand Consul.

Nelson A. Klaiber was born 24 September 1861 as the Civil War found its way across the country.   When he died 28 September 1904 his tombstone included his membership in the K. G. E. Knights of the Golden Eagle. Founded in 1873 the K.G. E. accepted "white males of good moral character free of physical or mental defect." It was "organized into ...the Masonic."  His stone also bears other organizations: S. C. G. of M. P. S.  Nelson never married and lived on Long Branch Boyd County, the son of John Andrew and Mary Ann McBrayer Klaiber.

So I danced with glee and excitement when Charlotte Lambert Mosley  donated an original ledger of the Mutual Protection Society for Boyd County, Kentucky to our library.  Charlotte found the ledger in her Koun's ancestor old desk that had been in a home at Mavity in our county.  The original ledger is now archived in the genealogy room of the Boyd County Library. 

Several years ago Charlotte gave me permission to extract and annotate the ledger.   To this end I now share extractions that are a window into the counties residents.  I have left spelling as handwritten in the ledger.  There are several pages prior to page #1with later scratchings and remarks.  Extractor comments will be in brackets [ ]. 
"21 Oct 1893...the following officers were duly elected:  Edward Davis, pres.; L. R. Davis; vice pres.; W. L. Clay, Sect.; John M. Clay, treas.; Fillmore Hally, outside sentinal; H. Kinner inside sentinal."
[Of the above, Edward Davis was born 4 April 1847, son of William and Elizabeth McCorskey Davis.  He married 21 December 1868 in Boyd County to Emily Rucker the daughter of Bazel and America McGuyre Rucker.

W. L. Clay was Wyatt L. Clay born 1 November 1845 son of Charles and Caroline Stover Clay.  He married Sara Ann Stanley the daughter of James R. and Sarah McGuire Stanley.]

Page #1. Trace School House.  Boyd Co., Ky Jan. 16, 1886.  At a regular meeting of the Mutual Protection Society held at Trace School House  January 16, 1886.  The order was called to business by J. H. Esthem [Eastham] president...present Frank Kirkpatrick recording secetary.  W. T. Warman finance secretary.  J. H. Esthem Trasure.  James Libies [probably Leibee] and Edward Davis was inducted....An order was drawn on the trasure to pay P. Sexton [Powell Sexton] for servises as janitor...Moved and second that John C. Hogan and Bird Elswick be expeld from the order if not a reasonable excuse with in a month...

Election of officers.  H. F. Saddler, president; Frank Kirkpatrick, recording securtary; W. T. Warman, F. C. Secutary; J. H. Esthem trasure; James ? outside sentinal; Wm Grim door keeper...

Trace School House, Boyd Co., KY Feby 13, 1886.  ...Met with president Saddler prociding....Patitons received Nelson A. Klaiber.
Committies apointed John Higgins, J. H. Estham.

Page #2. John Higgens, J. H. Estham, John Clay, report of cometies.  W. T. Hood, Wm. C. ? on Charles Heneker report favorable.  Charles Heneker was...elected a member of this order...Moved that Frank Chapman petition lay on the table...moved that . T. P. Stewart, John Hogan, Bud Elswick, James Kener [Kenner] be suspended from this order...moved that W. T. Warman notify James McGlothin to meet the order at next meeting in March...

Page #3. March 13, 1886.  T. P. Stewart was restored and elected a member of the order...John M. Clay became a member of the order...F. M. Chaffins became a member of this order paid for self and .50 for two horses...Charles Higgens paid for self and 2 horses..Nelson Kliber [Klaiber] was duly elected a member. [Other names mentioned on page are:] Henry Stewart, F. M. Chaffins, Jessie Childers, James Libies... [Each member paid for the protection of selves and especially their horses at .25 each.]

Page #4.  April 17, 1886....met at Trace School House...Jessie Childers was duley elected a member, Charles Higgins was duley elected a member...paid J. H. Estham for horse and mule and two buggies to convey Sherman Lucas and Joel Ramsey to jail also 1 day bord each...paid John Rucker for bording Sherman Lucas and Joel Ramsey...paid ...W. T. Warman as gard... [Sherman Lucas was the son of Henry Kane and Lucinda Sexton Lucas.]...Pasall Sexton was to show cause why he harbored Sherman Lucas and Joel Ramsey. [Pascal Sexton 1843-1910 married Jemima Lucas daughter of Parker and Susannah Fraley Lucas. Jemima was Sherman Lucas' great aunt.]

Page #5. May 15, 1886...John Griffith petition favourable and ...duley elected a member...The comittie on Kirk Lucas petition was not favourable.  Jessie Childers was duley elected as a member...Pasell Sexton reported and give sadesfaction to the order...moved and second ...order would pay all expenses in prosecuting James Hunley and bring him to justice...

Page #6 June 12, 1886...Trace School House...J. B. McGlothin, H. H. Kenner, Jessie Childers report favourable. Committee on Thomas Seary...Hugh Faulkner..E Murphy...R. C. Fugett...For the aresting Buck Hensley 1.00...J. D. Clay was duley elected a member of this order...Henry Smith's case was taken 1.60...R. A. Prichard was duley elected a member.  

Page #7.  June 12, 1886...received Anson Pope 1.25, John Mattacks, James Payne...at the bottom of the page are the following  names with no explanation:  Effie Barber, Sarah Ann Clay, Cosa Barber and Effie Clay; Ida Barber, Mattie Barber, Bascom Barber, Millie Barber, Cecil Barber Demp Barber, Scott Davis.  [Dempsey, Cora, Mattie, Cecil and Bascom were children of George and Sarah Ann Stanley Barber. Cora was nicknamed Cosy or Cosa and married Leonard Klaiber.]

Page #8. Jany. 8th, 1887...Trace School House...Elected...John H. Eastham, president; V. O. Davis, vice president; J. R. Davis, Trasure, D. M. Murphy P. S.; George Foit R. S.; Jas Leibee Janitor. J. M. Childers in side g[uard]; Alex Murphy outside guard.  C. F. Saddler, Secty. [V. O. Davis was  Voleny O. son of William and Elizabeth McCroskey Davis.]

Page #11.  May 7th, 1887.  Applications for membership W. B. Mowry ocupation a farmer residence Bear Creek.  Recommended by R.E. White.  Committee: J. L. Kirk, V. O. Davis, J. P.  Alley. Wm. Calwell [Caldwell] recommended by C. L. Williams,. P. M. Caldwell. Committee J. P. Alley, V. O. Davis, G. Fields, Isaac Fannin recommended by J. L. Kirk, C. L. Williams. Ocupation a farmer residence Culbertson. ...Geo. Hanley recommended by J. L. Kirk, R. E. White...John D. Mayhue [Mayhew] recommned by John Higgins, N. A. Klaiber...Wm. Hogan recommended by John Mattocks, Ance Pope...Harvey Kinner was present and initiated into the order...paid for self and 2 horses 1.00....committee appointed to settle the case of Bro. Grimm and C. H. Kouns.  Committee Geo Fields, Wm. Davis, Frank Kirk...have argued the case and say that Bro Grimm to pay 5.00 for his part...motion to appoint Jas. Poage to attend court and prosecute parties as ordered....

Page #12 June 4, 1887///John A. Kliber [Klaiber] was duley elected members of this order...Klaiber paid for self and 2 horses. James Higgens paid self and one horse....W. B. Mowery, Henry Mowery, William Howell and Isaac Fannin was elected...George Hanley and John D. Mayhew was elected... [John Andrew Klaiber was born 20 Oct 1831 Hausen Ob Verena, Tuttlingen, Wurttemburg, Germany.  John D. Mayhew born October 1856 was the son of William C. and Mary Elizabeth Ross Mayhew.]

Page #13. Culbertson, KY.  April 9...1887...J. C. Estham [Eastham] ...J. H. Poage ...to arest a ? and theft ...at J. H. Poages Mill on Bare [Bear] Creek Ky on the nite of April 8.  It is moved and second that the said scioty meet at 7:00 pm at J. H. Poages Mill to serch ...and to see if we can find out the guilty party ...[ the next entry in different ink]Andrew Burchett was found guilty and confesses guilty and was handed over to the debty sheriff of Boyd Co. to answer to the cort of Boyd Co.

page #14 ...Isaac Fannin was duley elected a member of this order and paid for self and one horse.  William Cal[d]well was elected and paid for self and 2 horses.  James Kin[n]er, L. D. Sexton, William D. Ross reported...B. F. Freman was rejected. James Kin[n]er was rejected. L. D. [Lorenzo Dow] Sexton was rejected. William D. Ross was elected.  Anderson Fields was elected, George Stanley was rejected. James Surries was rejected. John Runyan was rejected....It was moved that this ...be removed to the Davis School House and carried...

Page #15.  Davis School House August 27th, 1887...President John H. Eastham, C. L. Williams was appointed secy; David Murphy financial secretary, John R. Davis Treasurer.

  The Petition of L. T. Hood was received and the following committee appointed: C. L. Williams, Lon Nunley, Henry White Sr. The petition of Fred Nierman was received and the following committee was appointed: Anson Pope, George Fields, V. O. Davis.  The report of the committee on the petition of W. H. Banfield made a favorable report and on motion ...was received...duly elected a member...on suggestion of C. H. Kouns the committee on the petition of Wm. Lambert was directed to make an immediate report...favorable...duly elected...petition of Isom Hogan...favorable...and the ballott was spread and when collected ...duly rejected. 

Mr. L. J. Stewart [Landon J. Stewart] notified the society that Abe Prichard and R. A. Prichard was no longer owners in the store on Garner but that owners S. D. Finley and Dr. A. Prichard now in store owned the entire store.

Page #16. Dr. Hood reported that he only owned 1 horse at this time and now desires to be assessed accordingly.  On motion of W. L. Clay was ordered to make a ballot box and to paint one end or one half of outside of said box white and the other black...

Page #17.  Davis School House Oct. 1, 1887... Bro. C. L. Williams President pro tem. N. A. Klaiber  was apointed secy pro tem. C. H. Kouns treasurer pro tem....petition of Wm. V. Sexton was received ...petition of Henry Adkins...Wm. Lambert took the obligation of this order and was duly initiated in the secrets of the order...T. L. Hood ...duly elected...Fred Nearman ...duly elected.  Geo. Ross was apointed to investigate the law concerning the payment of guards by the state in the McGlothin case.

Page #18. ...motion...L. J. Stewart it was decided that this order meet at Grassland Church on Bear Creek for the purpose of considering the propriety of revising the constitution and by-laws of this order...

Page #19.  Grassland Church Oct 17, 1887...Jas H. Poage was appointed secy pro tem...Bro. Wm. Davis ...read the constitution by laws and obligation of this order...agreed ...appoint a committee to draft a new constitution and by laws...com [committee]: Br. W. T. Hord [of] Culbertson, L. J. Stewart [of] Garner , C. H. Kouns [of] Mavity, Geo. W. Ross [of] Mavity, G. W. Enyart [of] Cannonsburg, Dr. B. S. Rice [of] Catlettsburg, J. S. Carlin [of] Denton.

Page #20.  ...Davis School House. Oct 29, 1887...Wm. V. [William Vincent] Sexton was duly elected a member...L. T. Hood ...elected...Petition of A. H. Hogan received...petition of H. H. Hogan received...Petition of Lewis Mayo received...

Page #21....committee on the petition of Lewis Mayo failed to report...new committee...duly elected. Petition of Henry Adkins...duly elected.   Petition of A. H. Hogan...duly elected.  Petition of Hansford Hogan...duly elected.  Petition of Wm. H. Nunley received.

Page #22.  Petition of David Davis received...John Brown recd...H. W. Crum rec...W. M. Byington recd...L. O. White received...E. V. White recd...A. F. White recd...C. P. Smallridge recd...John Small ridge recd...[Others committee members cited on page:] L. J. Stewart, J. D. Mayhew, John Maddox, J. J. Kouns, John Rucker, L. C. Hazlett, J. R. Lark, Robert Hazlett.

Page #23. ...Motion the chairman apointed a committee to see the Circuit Judge to get an order to the C. C. Clerk of Boyd County for the return of jewelry belonging to Dave Fuller and flannel belonging to Gaylord Norton taken by George Taylor. Committee Wm. Davis, J. J. Kouns and A. F. White.

Page #24. Dec. 24, 1887...Lon O. White ...declared elected.  John Brown...declared elected.  H. Wise Crum...declared elected [Henry Wiser Crum].  A. T. White...declared elected.   Gun Byington...declared elected.  W. H. Nunley ...declared elected.  David Davis...declared elected.

Page #25.  ...Jno. Smallridge...declared rejected.  C. P. Smallridge Jr...declared elected.  Edward White...declared elected.   

Petitions received for Jas. R. Williams, Wm. A. Brooks.

To be continued beginning with January 1888.

14 March 2011

Genealogy - The Dirty Little Secrets

compiled by Teresa Martin Klaiber
March 2011

I am going to tell you a dirty little secret.  Professional genealogists start out doing genealogy at square one with a four generation chart just like you.  Some are a little more savvy about proper citations, some have better filing systems than others and some have educational backgrounds that help guide them into new research territory.

It also depends on when any given genealogist starts on their journey.  You see if you are just starting the journey you have much better tools than say this old bird that started in the early 1970's.

Another dirty little secret is that professional genealogists tend to be like the cobbler who let his son go without shoes.  They put their personal research on a back burner to assist others in their quest.  They end up grabbing a bite here and there while concentrating on another genealogical problem.

Thus a forced sabbatical has turned into a reality check for this seasoned [better word than old] researcher.  I have dusted off an old notebook of one of the earliest family lines I worked on to scan the documentation and check my citations. [The word scan in the 1970's simply meant to search the horizon and had nothing to do with our documentation.]

These 1970 photostats are not in nice acid free sleeves.  Yes, holes in each page.  The next page is a bit yellowed, slick, crackled and fading.  A wonderful development in copy machines that did not last.  [A quick scan and enhancement have saved the day on this one.]  Let me remind you that at the time these were the recommended ways to keep your documentation. 

So let's investigate this same notebook a bit further. Did you know that highlighters were a great new "tool" but that if you used a copy machine they left a huge black line. Highlighters were invented by the Japanese in 1962.   It was some time before the problem with copiers and the fluorescent ink showing as a black line were corrected.

The book  with the highlighted pages was not easy to track down in the 1970's. I had to travel to another state to view a limited edition copy.    Today I found the same book on-line in less than two minutes and reprinted clean pages. [On-line in the 1970's might have meant you still had a party line on dial up telephone.]

This wonderful research notebook includes cherished photographs of tombstones and holds memories of wonderful cemetery trips.  The photographs are Polaroid instant pictures.  The color in those pictures are faded.  Luckily even then I took both Polaroid and 35mm photographs, keeping the negatives.  Today our digital cameras replace all need of films.

Mind you, this is still good research and contains some very valuable materials.  Before copy machines, researchers would create a list of questions to mail out to family members across the country.  All hand written, over and over again, with the hopes that the family would mail them back with answers.  A copy of questionnaires from the 1930's is nestled in this research notebook, donated by an earlier [still a better word than older] researcher.  Everyone that filled out those hand written forms are gone now.

I still give myself an A+ for citing each source, providing title pages and keeping the materials in such a manner as to make my scan project easy.

Today we are encouraged to digitize our materials and to keep abreast of new media to transfer our records.  Besides scanning these old materials, I have also been transferring cassette tape interviews to digital .wav files.  My office also contains old 8 mm films that were first transferred to VHS then to DVD.  If you are just beginning your journey you will begin by digitizing your research as you get it.  You have "how to" guides to tell you about archiving your materials at your finger tips.

But there is another reality.  Good research is just that - good research.  The next generation can pick up this notebook and know  that the citations are correct for this particular line.  Hopefully the next generation and the generation after that will continue to care for the now scanned materials and share the now digitized photographs of tombstones that may no longer be standing as they were in the 1970's.

I must say that this particular notebook does not include staples nor paper clips.  Another no-no.  But then the researcher that shared those valued hand written forms had them held together with rusty straight pins.

We now organize our materials in databases designed specifically for genealogy instead of handwriting family group sheets over and over again.  I remember my first computer like it was yesterday and the first time I saw a demonstration of a scanner I was in awe.  Today I sit surrounded by computers, scanners, mp3 players and e-book readers.  My cell phone is on the charger and I have memory sticks organized on a hook.  I wonder what my ancestors would think of all this?  I wish I could visit the future to see where this is all leading.  I am a techie.

But honestly, the real dirty little secret is that no matter how you trace your genealogy or how you save your files,  it is the journey that is important.  It is the joy of learning about your family and then sharing the stories, pictures, and artifacts with  the next generation. 

Clip art compliments of

01 March 2011

"God Willing, And the Creek Don't Rise"

compiled by Teresa Martin Klaiber
1 March 2011

As I sumped my Eastern Kentucky basement, on the last day of February, and watched Long Branch of Garner Creek hurdle through my property before heading down our road to Garner Creek, I received word of an emergency just a few miles away.

Thanks to the heroic efforts of our wonderful emergency services, a woman's life was saved after her car plunged and submerged in the cold February waters on Four-Mile and Trace. Barbara Groves car lost control negotiating the wet road. Many locals said prayers for her and today the news said she was released from the hospital. My heartfelt wishes for her speedy recovery. My sincere praise for the many trained volunteers that are dedicated in protecting us here in Boyd County.

While discussing this with my family we remembered another rescue turned recovery exactly fifty years ago, February. Long Branch, Garner Creek, Trace Creek and many other small tributaries dump into the East Fork as it heads toward the river.

On February 22, 1961 Mildred Burns Banks and her sister Mary Burns Webb were returning from a visit at Kings Daughters Hospital along Route #180, very near Boyd County High School. The car "failed to negotiate a curve... ricocheted off a tree down a 10 foot embankment, crashed into a bridge abutment and flipped over in the water." Due to the heavy rains of East Fork it was described as at least five feet higher than normal and murky.

Both sisters were laid to rest in the Jeremiah Burns Cemetery on Route #3.

The sisters were issues of Jeremiah Burns [18 April 1858 VA-24 Jun 1932] and wife Minnie V. Kinner [1869-1946]. Their grandmother was Elvira J. Hogan who married Harvey Kinner.

It never ceases to leave me in awe when the rains start in our neck of the woods. The creek glistens with a pretty musical lilt on most days. I love to walk along the edge looking for treasures and watching the multitude of life that exists along and in it. Then as the water washes down the cliffs it is only a matter of sometimes minutes before it becomes a raging, dangerous power of nature.

The creek has always played a role in the development of the area. The creek bed along Garner was the path and roadway when the area was first developed. The road still follows its twists and turns. You can not tame it. The Clyde Ross Farm moved the creek to make way for more profitable fields. So did the Klaibers but when the rain starts you can still see the water struggling to use the old creek path.

We have many personal creek stories. We tell people that are visiting that they might want to leave when the rain starts or stay longer than expected. Those that don't listen turn back and sit a spell. It goes down as fast as it comes up.

A dear friend reminded me yesterday about the saying "Turn around, don't drown." We tend to think our cars are strong. I attempted - just once -to follow another vehicle as the waters were coming up. The back wheels rose and I began to feel like I was floating - gunning it the tires grabbed and I was lucky.

We tend to think of April showers but February seems to be the start of our flood "season." One hundred and thirty years ago, 23 February 1881 the Independent wrote "The iron bridge at Hood's Fork has been washed out by the recent floods, and turned clear over."

On 22 February 1883 the Independent reported "high water, everything flooded at Catlettsburg." At Rockville, Lawrence County the news reported "The river rose here within 18 inches of the rise of 1862 and 4 inches higher than 1875."

Then on Valentines Day, 14 February 1884, the paper reported that the 1884 flood "beats the record. Nothing like it since Adam's Noah!" The paper does not talk about the outlaying areas just the towns along the Ohio and Big Sandy. It must have been just as hard on the tributaries.

Before my readers ask why would anyone live near areas prone to the ravages of nature - the answer is simple. It is God's country and it is all part of God's plan. We continue to try to harness it. I grumble about my wet basement. Then hero's save a life and the sun comes out and I once again hear the lilt of the gentle stream and know I am where I belong.