24 August 2024

Jerusha's Peculiar Appalachian Witch Magic

 I am proud to announce my newest book: 

Jerusha's Peculiar Appalachian Witch Magic

The Appalachian belief system is as old as the hills and mountains that make up the Appalachian region of America. The practices, superstitions, and ways in this book are real. Jerusha is an accumulation of many met along the way, especially in eastern Kentucky. Is it just coincidence, superstition, or really witchcraft?

12 August 2024




extracted by Teresa Martin Klaiber. Original in possession of compiler 2024.

An original hand written document found in the Sexton/Klaiber house, Long Branch Road, Garner, Boyd County, Kentucky. Spelling is left as cited. Extractor notations are in brackets and italics and are not a portion of the original transcript.

The Epworth Herald, Voice of the Herald. I have been in existence now about two years, and have been passed around from one Leaguer to another and with very few exceptions have been present at every meeting of the League, and can say without boasting that I have furnished my quota of entertainment, instruction and news on each occasion, and the good I have done if any, I ascribe to the various editors who have arranged my pages. I have faithfully reported all the marriages, deaths, births and local news of my jurisdiction, especially those happenings in the ranks of the Leaguers. My jokes on Leaguers, while at times have been bitter doses for some have been enjoyed by the majority, in such cases our motto is “Charity for all, with malice towards none." I have no complaint to make as to my treatment or reception of the last two years but think the contributions to my pages should be more universal, while several of the Leaguers have done what they could to make my pages entertaining and instructive, others have done nothing and of late some of the old contributors have paid to send in their spicy and instructive letters for my pages. 1 hope to see the Prodigals returning soon. While I cannot make any promise of improvement for the future, will say that with each Leaguers help extended we can do more in the future than we have in the past. What good have we done in the last two years? None can tell, nor will it be known until, “we shall know as we are known." We do not know what emotion and feelings have been stirred in some heart, by the reading of my pages, nor what incentive they have been, to cause someone to strive to attain a higher sphere in life, thereby becoming a better man or woman. If my pages have been instrumental in helping some beloved Leaguer in his or her struggles and trials of life, my existence has not been in vain, but I will ever strive to and advocate progress. We as a paper and as a League, or as anything else must either advance, or retrograde, which will we do? It depends on you as members which we will do? As for the Epworth Herald, my watch-word and war cry shall be in the future as it has been in the past, Forward! Forward!! Progress!!! and Liberty and freedom in the cultivation of all that is exalting, refining and enabling, as embraced in the Leagues motto, “All For Christ."


Again the messenger of death visited the home of one of our friends and took away a loving wife, in person of Manda Stewart who had been in poor health for quite a while, and with the hopes of improvement went to Texas. She leaves many relatives and friends to mourn her loss. We all sympathize with her lonely companion in his grief. And hope we may be able to do or say something to aid him and encourage him to live to fulfill the last request of his dying wife “Meet her in Heaven.” Oh that we may all leave some evidence behind us that will give our friends the assurance of our happiness when we depart from this life.

We were Sony to hear of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hazlett having been very sick, but glad to hear of them being out again.

We are glad to see Dr. Frank Lesslie locate in our midst. Success to you Dr. Frank. And as he is very intelligent in Christian literary work we would gladly welcome him in our League. As we need more workers. Leaguers we are banded together for good work, just all we can do. We may think it be very little and yet we may be doing “great work” we cannot see, so let us all make an attempt to do what our hands find to do. And look for more to do.

Page #2.

Mr. Alvin Harvey spent a few days very pleasantly with his wife last month. [Wife Sophia nee Klaiber do John Andrew and Mary' Ann McBrayer KI aider. J

Mrs. Flora Banfield and sons, Arthur and Clyde of Catlettsburg were visiting friends and relatives here a couple of weeks ago. We understand she has accepted the position of teach the public school at Greenhill this fall.

Miss Stella Barrett [d o John K. and Viola Hazlett Barrett] visited her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hazlett fJohn and Anna Hensley Hazlett! a few days last week. Mrs. Jno. [John] Klaiber Jr. and son visited his home folks a couple of weeks ago.

The S.S. District Convention held at the Long Branch School House had a large attendance, good behavior, and was a success in general. All seemed to enjoy the music rendered by the Long Branch Choir, as well as the talk of Rev. McKinister and Mr. Fergeson on S.S. work.

Mr. Jerome Duvall of Denton spent Tuesday night, the 29th with N.A. Klaiber [s o John Andrew and Mary Ann McBrayer Klaiber/ while enroute to the memorial service of the M.P.S. held at the Fannin grave yard on Bear Creek. The morning was spent in honoring their deceased brethren that was buried there. Also those that were buried at the Laurel grave yard. In the afternoon the Odd Fellows held their memorial service at the Fannin grave yard.

Page #3.

Mr. Jim Prichard  [married Della Sexton] seems to be very much interested in the Long Branch S.S. and says he always likes to stop at “Grandpas." That,s right Jim go ahead.

Mr. Frank Coles of Ashland visited Mr. Jno. Hazlett one-day last week, while the roses were in bloom. Mr. F.C. Loves to wear roses, doesn’t he TRUDIE. [Gertrude Hazlett d/o John and Anna Hensley. Trudie married Edward Chaffin in 1905.]

Mrs. T.D. Stewart accompanied by Miss Louella Banfield is visiting her parents in Portsmouth. Miss Kate Allen is spending a few days at Culbertson visiting her sister Mrs. Cart Fannin and Povvel’s face is correspondingly lengthened in consequence.

Miss Belle Banfield as the guest of her friend Sophia Harvey a few days last week.

We learn that Mr. John Banfield has accepted the position of overseeing a small drove of cattle for Mr. Neal of Lawrence County. That’s right John be good to the old folks.

Mrs. Samantha Prichard was visiting her daughter Mrs. Mullens of Catlettsburg a few days last week.

Mrs. Hanze [Haines] is very ill at the home of her daughter.

Page #4.

Mrs. Jim Sexton’s,  [James McClelland Sexton married Missouri Haines.]

Miss Belle Banfield seemed to very melancholy last Sun. Afternoon. What was the difficulty.

Belle has the two hours expired yet.

Mr. and Mrs. George McGlothlin was visiting relatives in Lawrence County lat Sun. [George s/o James P. and Elzema Elswick McGlothlin married Janet Preston.]

Mr. Will Horton has just returned from a week’s visit to his fathers at Ironton, O. [William Harry Horton ]

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. (John! Klaiber have just returned from a week’s visit to her sisters Mrs. Dr. Ramey at Rock Camp, Ohio. [Susan J. McBrayer married 3 December 1863, Boyd Co., KY Miles Eperson Ramey].

Miss N— Allen is visiting friends at Laurel for the past 2 weeks.

Rev. McKinister preached a very interesting sermon at the East Fork Chapple this morning.

Mesres. Allen and Edward Prichard of Wayne, W. Va. Are visiting their grandma Mrs.


Miss Trudie Hazlett visited her sister Mrs. Barrett last Sun.